

Gu Youn 2009. 4. 11. 10:33
1. vocabulary
vegetarian - no meat
vegan - nothing that comes from animals
no meat, no eggs, no milk, no sea food
no cheese

kosher = jewish
- no dairy touching meat
- no animals with hooves = pigs/pork, deer/venison

North America | South America
cockroaches     shrimp
spiders             crabs

delicacies - rare/special dish

stock = broth

baramundi = type of fish
consistency = texture or tickness
spicies / seasoings = add flavor
salt -> salty
pepper -> spicy
garlic -> garlicy
sugar -> sweet
baking soda -> bitter
lemon -> soar
pepper / onion - vegetable

2. idioms
bring home the bacon = money
 My husband brings home the bacon.

rownie points = impress someone
butter someone up = flattering , giving compliments
cheesy/corny = silly, joke / knockknock joke
piece of cake = easy
cream of the crop = best